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Movement as Meditation

Audience: all ages and experience levels welcome
Format: online, synchronous
Cost: $30
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2022
Time: 10am - 11:30am PST
Instructor: Timi Kovacs

“Every motion evokes sensation and this sensation is linked to a state of heart, mind, or spirit, whether remembered, current, or projected” -Frey Faust

Feel into a new way of moving and being in the world in this meditative workshop where you are invited to begin deconstructing ideas of “correct movement” and embark on an exploration of movement beyond familiar patterns and habits of experience.

What would it feel like to learn to move in ways that keep you present, connected to your body, and open to spontaneous experiences?

In this workshop we will spend time connecting with the sensations of the skin, feeling into the soft tissue, anchoring awareness in our bones, and learning to move without knowing what we are going to do.

We will explore, as if for the first time, how spaces inform movement as we sense into landscapes, territories within, and on our body-surfaces.

Deepen your exploration of practices to get present, open to “mistakes”, and come home to the body. Join us!

Meet Your Instructor:

After obtaining a BA degree in Choreography at the National University of Cinematography and Theatre in Bucharest, Romania, Timi turned her attention to the body itself. It has become her deepest source of inspiration, a trustworthy feedback system, and field of constant magic.
In her ongoing formation process she was deeply influenced by her teachers’ - Valentina de Piante, Florence Augendre, Nóra Hajós and Kálmán Ferenc - syncretic vision and work. They all attempt to integrate somatic practices, real-time movement composition, and dance. Timi followed their example using dance as a tool to uncover her interests, get a better understanding of who she is, and to move on to unknown fields in a joyful way.