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Flow State Drawing Workshop: A Trance-formative Field Trip

Join artist and arts instructor Christine Olejniczak in a drawing workshop exploring patterns that connect us to ourselves, to each other, and to the natural world.

The experience will explore various ways of coordinating the breath with the embodied processes of creativity and mark making. By tuning into the coordination of bodily rhythms, mark making, and the sounds that emerge as a result, participants will learn how to enter creative flow-states through meditative drawing rituals, guided figure drawing practices, and multi-sensory mindfulness exercises.

Eugene-area locals are invited to gather with us in person at the Resonance Building. All others are encouraged to join us online with family and friends for this integrative and creative experience.

Bring your own pencils and drawing paper, a wooden surface, and an open, curious heart.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Meet Your Instructor:

Christine Olejniczak is a drawing instructor at the University of Kansas. Her art practice involves performing the sound of drawing on instruments of her own making since 1994.

According to Christine, β€œthe sound of drawing is my first language.”

Her work has been exhibited internationally. She currently resides in Lawrence, KS.