Tactile Feminine Energy Channel - Obelisk

Figures 350x230 copy.png
Figures 350x230 copy.png

Tactile Feminine Energy Channel - Obelisk


Store, release, flow. Invite in and participate with feminine energy. Set these channels in your altars, sacred or spiritual spaces and place, or home. Intended for meditative touch, contemplative thought, and personal integration of the female experience.

“These figures are postured with an attitude of openness— available for energy to move in to and out of. Each one emphasizes cycles, balance, care, responsibility, and nurturing.” 

—Melanie Hamilton, artist

white plaster, limited edition, each has individual variations from images shown

safety: these figures are fragile, please keep away from young children.

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Female figurines are found throughout most ancient cultures. Our interaction with them usually involves standing and viewing isolated figures through glass within institutions. This kind of experience does not reflect their ancient contexts. Here they would have been placed among treasures, surrounded with meaning, touched, held, asked favors, thanked, and valued for their ever-deepening significance. Objects like these channel figurines, are capable to holding stories and memories, emotions, values, and meaning. These specific objects are intended to nurture individuals to notice the feminine: within nature, within the self, within others, within narratives, within constructs. Given the opportunity, from inside your most intimate spaces, these forms have the potential to inspire and mediate actions like contemplation, care, remembering, openness, integration, responsiveness, and flow. And remember to touch them.